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8 matches found for facilitation

  1. governance/facilitation (2 matching lines)
    title: Facilitation and Consensus
    [Group Works]( — An open and participatory project to develop a FLO pattern database for facilitation and group process
  2. community/conduct-enforcement (2 matching lines)
    - discuss issues directly with other participants (perhaps with facilitation) in
    Before any extended discussion of an issue, get consensus from all participants on whether to discuss privately or publicly (as long as away from normal topical discussion); whether to use forum messages, chat on IRC or Matrix, or live audio/video tool; and whether to get facilitation help.
  3. governance/standing-rules (1 matching lines)
    * Meetings shall run by best practice guidelines for [facilitated consensus problem-solving](facilitation)
  4. community/team-past (1 matching lines)
    organizing, student activism, and facilitation, I have been working to
  5. community/team-engagement (1 matching lines)
    We suggest projects use consensus as a first-line approach to decision-making. By applying consensus to project decisions, you can ensure that team members, contributors, and patrons alike remain on board with the project direction. See our facilitation page in the [Governance](/governance) section for more details about how to use a facilitated consensus process.
  6. community/events (1 matching lines)
    Though primarily an unconference without preplanned schedule, Aaron gave a plenary on Facilitation 101 along with participating otherwise.
  7. community/conduct (1 matching lines)
    As needed, we have other moderation and conflict-resolution procedures. When feasible, participants can decide by consensus whether to work on resolution privately or publicly, with or without facilitation. We only restrict or exclude anyone in the unlikely case of a participant causing persistent problems and showing inadequate willingness or ability to improve.
  8. communications/intro/co-opers (1 matching lines)
    Democracy is hard! We need people who are experienced in things like facilitation and consensus-building (or willing to learn along the way) to serve as moderators and Directors and help foster our sense of community.