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6 matches found for faq

  1. about/faq (0 matching lines)
  2. archives/project-management/pages-for-scale (2 matching lines)
    	* FAQ (for alpha sprint, link to to wiki page initially, at least prioritize everything else)
    	* FAQ (for alpha sprint, link to to wiki page initially, at least prioritize everything else)
  3. project-reqs/honor-projects (1 matching lines)
    Although it's ideal to function without any third-party requests, some are more acceptable than others. Acceptable-enough third-party connections ise (A) FLO resources (this avoids lock-in as the resources *could* be moved to local hosting at a later time) and (B) clear and respectable privacy policies. For example, Google's font service uses only FLO fonts, allows you to download them, and has an acceptable and clear [privacy policy]( If Google's policy changes or the service is removed, it is easy to adapt and get the fonts for hosting otherwise. While we do *not* recommend Google fonts over self-hosting, it represents an *acceptable* third-party service. By contrast, third-party resources that are proprietary and have worse privacy policies are not okay.
  4. about/terminology (1 matching lines)
      ~ "Digital Restrictions Management" describes technologies used to cripple various functions that would otherwise be possible when using various media with computers. See the [DRM FAQ at](
  5. about/fair-use (1 matching lines)
    **Realize that fair use is not a guarantee.** Fair use is a complex and slippery subject which varies in international law. In the U.S., only a judge can ultimately determine when fair use does and does not apply. Still, knowing which of the 4 contributing factors fit your project will make it more likely you would prevail in a trial and so less likely that a copyright holder will pursue the case at all. [Teaching Copyright]( has a good guide to get you started.
  6. about (1 matching lines)
    A.  [FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](/about/faq)