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14 matches found for press

  1. press (2 matching lines)
    title: Published Press
    ## Past press about
  2. archives/project-management/pages-for-scale (5 matching lines)
    		* /about/press
    			* See current press wiki page for reference, but build new better design
    			* Main content is "Press Highlights" with links to articles etc
    			* For info-for-press mention or include contact links, link to logo resources to use, link to terminology wiki page, maybe to blog (for news sources, GitHub does that)
    		* /about/press
  3. market-research/history/journalism (2 matching lines)
    * **[](** An attempt at creating a time-limited, threshold-based crowdfunding site specifically for long-form investigative journalism projects. While it had some success in helping freelance journalists raise funds for pieces that would eventually run in established non-profit news outlets like the [San Francisco Public Press](, most projects were not able meet their funding thresholds in time, and those that did often failed to meet the publication deadlines they had established for themselves. Ultimately, funding investigative journalism on a per-story basis may be an unsustainable model.
    One of the central paradoxes in the economics of journalism is that in order to produce news worth paying for, a critical mass of readership and financial support is required. Our matched pledging model makes it easier to identify which journalists generate the interest and enthusiasm necessary for success (see our article on [positive competition](/about/compete)). Like the Associated Press, we want to leverage the “network effect”, where the number of nodes in the system scales arithmetically but the value of the connections between them scales geometrically. This provides the possibility for successful teams of journalists and publishers to earn a fair wage for their work without resorting to problematic pay-per-view models nor restrictive licensing. We also hope to reduce reliance on advertising and move the focus toward creating meaningful news content rather than merely generating the greatest number of views.
  4. communications/publicity (2 matching lines)
    ## Press
    See our [press](/press) page for particular articles written about and general press info.
  5. communications/intro/journalists (2 matching lines)
    If you've ever worked for an Associated Press member, you've already been a member of a multinational non-profit cooperative! The AP is an example of the network effect: every new member is a potential contributor to every other member of the network, so the value of the content produced scales much faster than the number of individual members.'s pledge matching mechanism leverages the same effect in a financial context. Our monthly support provides a better and more reliable mechanism for long-form investigative journalism than one-time threshold crowdfunding campaigns.
    Learn about how we work, and consider planning a story about us! We have a page with [information for the press](/press). We are not ready for substantial publicity yet, but we will be sometime soon. Feel free to use our [contact page]( to set up an interview with one of our co-founders or other members.
  6. archives/communications/fund-drive (2 matching lines)
    * *Everyone* recommends having the campaign site up before doing crowdfunding-specific press release and social media blast
        * But project-focused press outreach to build general name recognition and buzz can start a couple months before, preferably with at least one article / namecheck right as the campaign opens
  7. market-research/potential-partners (1 matching lines)
    * Open Society Foundations: Public engagement journalism non-profit looking to strengthen free press.
  8. communications/slogan (1 matching lines)
    A summary paragraph for things like applying for a booth at a conference or for press etc:
  9. communications/guidelines (1 matching lines)
    Writings elsewhere (ideally linked below where appropriate) explain all the detailed concepts around The following notes are not meant to be explanatory themselves. Instead this section highlights the key points to follow when writing or otherwise presenting about elsewhere (such as in the design of the site, in public presentations, emails, outside press etc).
  10. communications/external (1 matching lines)
    See the [Press page](/press) for various buttons and images
  11. archives/project-management/2016-03-29-taiga-project-management-workflow (1 matching lines)
    I didn't press the matter, in favor of getting our current stuff set up. Now
  12. archives/personas (1 matching lines)
    * Charlotte: Press
  13. about/economics (1 matching lines)
    The printing press created the first physical mass medium (books), but we had no modern copyright law until nearly 270 years later.^[[The Statute of Anne]( was passed in 1710, 270 years after the invention of printing press in 1440. The Statute served to provide a *limited* monopoly of (at-most) 28 years as economic incentive to authors to write works.] Furthermore, for most of its history, copyright law functioned as an industrial regulation affecting the relationships between authors and publishers. Private citizens did not have printing presses and so were not *directly* affected.
  14. Help (1 matching lines)
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