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7 matches found for slogan

  1. communications/slogan (3 matching lines)
    ## Primary Slogan
    Commentary: The primary slogan captures the ideas of matching, bringing everyone together, cooperation, and the scope of projects we're focused on. Although it doesn't specify FLO, that's implied with public goods. The co-op angle is covered by our name. The only real missing element is sustainability / long-term support.
    Our slogan evolved over time:
  2. communications/presentation-notes (1 matching lines)
    We want to develop ideas, narratives, key concepts, specific slide-shows, etc. for giving presentations about Obviously, we can utilize ideas from across the site (such as the [about stuff](, the [illustrations](/visual-design/illustration), and especially **[slogan](slogan)** which includes concise ideas for explanation of the system). Our [targeted-messaging](targeted-messaging) can help with different audiences.
  3. communications/illustration-ideas (1 matching lines)
    - [Slogan]( and
  4. communications/guidelines (1 matching lines)
    In addition to the points below, consider our [slogan page](/communications/slogan) for concise suggestions for describing and our [style-guide](/editorial/style-guide) for formatting and structure of writings.
  5. communications/external (1 matching lines)
    *For general statements about the system, see our page on [slogans](slogan).*
  6. communications (1 matching lines)
    * [Slogan Suggestions](/communications/slogan)
  7. about/free-libre-open (1 matching lines)
    A poetic interpretation of FLO emphasizes the *flow* of ideas, culture, creativity, and liberties that are possible when we remove artificial restrictions and encourage cooperation.^[We noticed only after we'd written it that our slogan at the time, "clearing the path to a Free/Libre/Open world", actually provides the full acronym FLOW, which seems appropriate although perhaps a little too cutesy to reference often. FLOW could also be FLO Work(s), and while that makes sense, we've found it grammatically odd in context. Joseph Potvin independently discovered and embraced this acronym of FLO Works as a project with the OSI: the [FLOW syllabus](